Guava fruit leaves juice benefits
Guava fruit leaves juice benefits
Guava, Guava, or Jam This fruit, known by many names, is one of the special fruits of the winter season. Although science has made a lot of progress these days and every fruit is available in every season, the right fruit is in the right season. Its taste increases manifold by eating it. This light green fruit has many properties in itself, it is also a good source of Vitamin C. The best thing about this fruit is that it is also available at cheap prices. For this reason, it is also called the apple of the poor. Along with guava, its leaves are also beneficial in many diseases.
Benefits of Guava fruit, its leaves, and juice
We are telling some important things about Guava, hope it will be useful for you:
property information
Other names for guava are jahi, jam, guava (Guava)
The essential nutrients present in Guava are Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, etc.
Guava season, although today every fruit comes in every season, its main season is winter.
Guava is beneficial in the following diseases, constipation, gas, sugar, and blood pressure and it is also beneficial for the eyes and skin.
benefits of eating guava
There are many benefits of eating Guava, some of which we are telling below:
For mouth ulcers or gums:
If you have blisters in your mouth or your gums are weak, chewing soft leaves of guava will definitely benefit you. Chewing guava leaves also removes the problem related to bad breath in mother-in-law, if you want, you can add guava leaves to the water. You can also gargle with this water after boiling it. If you have blisters in your mouth, then chewing guava leaves with catechu gives immediate relief.
To keep the body healthy:
Guava contains 4 times more vitamin C than an orange, which benefits your body. Apart from this, guava is also beneficial for stomach-related problems. Eating guava also makes the skin glow. Therefore one guava should be eaten daily during the season. , but keep in mind that eating guava during the night is good, so do not eat it during the night.
Useful in stomach-related diseases:
Guava is a boon in stomach-related problems, if you have constipation then you eat one guava daily in the morning on an empty stomach, then you will definitely get rid of constipation. If you eat guava, then you will get benefits from gas-related diseases. But if you have blisters in your stomach, then guava seeds can prove to be harmful to you.
Beneficial for eyes:
If you have cataracts, swelling, or dryness in your eyes, then believe that guava is beneficial for you. Because guava is rich in vitamin A, then it benefits your eyes.
Guava leaves reduce the intoxication of cannabis:
If a person has been intoxicated with cannabis, then to reduce that intoxication, drinking the juice of guava leaves reduces the intoxication. If you want, you can also give guava leaves to that person to chew.
Good source of Vitamin C:
We have already told you that 4 times more vitamin C is found in guava than in orange. So vitamin C present in guava increases the immunity of the body and helps fight cancer.
Beneficial in the disease of sugar:
Guava is very beneficial for those people who have sugar disease. The fiber present in guava helps in increasing insulin in the body, due to which the amount of sugar gets digested in the body. Guava is for type 2 patients with sugar. It is very beneficial, such patients must eat at least 2 guavas daily.
Guava is also beneficial for blood circulation:
Guava contains vitamin B in good quantity, as well as niacin, which is also found in it, due to which the blood circulation in the body is done properly.
Beneficial for the skin:
Guava contains potassium salt element, which gives a glow to the skin, and those who have the problem of acne and pimples also get the benefit. But for this, you must consume guava daily.
Maintains sodium and potassium levels in the body:
Potassium is found in guava, which controls the amount of sodium in the body and balances the flow of blood flowing in our body. It also corrects the balance of cholesterol.
Increases fertility in women:
Women who do not know the pleasure of motherhood, they should also consume guava. The folate present in guava increases the fertility of women's bodies, this helps them.
Helps in reducing weight:
In today's time, weight gain has become the biggest problem. Guava contains all good amounts of protein, and vitamins, as well as it prevents diseases like constipation in the stomach. Regular consumption of it also controls cholesterol. If it is included in the daily diet, then it will also help reduce body weight.
benefits of guava leaves
Like guava, guava leaves are also very beneficial. We are telling you some benefits of guava leaves which will be useful to you:
Guava leaves prevent the starch present in the body from being converted into sugar, which does not increase body weight. To reduce your increasing weight, you can make powder of guava leaves.
If you have arthritis pain, then make a paste of guava leaves and heat it, and apply it to the affected areas, then you will definitely get benefit and the swelling and pain of those parts will also be reduced.
Even if you have the disease of dream defect, even if you drink the juice of guava leaves and mix sugar in it, then you will get benefit from this disease.
The juice of guava leaves also reduces the level of cholesterol in the body and prevents diseases caused by it.
If you have loose motion or diarrhea, then boil guava leaves in water and then filter it and drink this water, you will benefit.
If you have any disease of teeth or gums, then you will make a paste of guava leaves and apply it on the teeth and gums, then you will get benefit from the problem of teeth and gums.
Even if you have a pimple on your face, applying guava leaf paste on the face is beneficial.
If you have dengue fever, even then by taking the juice of guava leaves, you will get benefit from this fever.
If you have blisters in your mouth, then putting catechu on guava leaves and eating it cures mouth ulcers.
By applying the juice of guava leaves to the hair, the growth of hair increases.
In place of Guava, many people drink Guava juice, here we are giving you the recipe to make delicious Guava juice which will be helpful for you.
Benefits of Guava juice and how to make
Guava Juice Benefits and Method
Ingredients needed to make Guava juice:
2 medium-sized guavas
green chili 1
piece of ginger
black pepper 4 to 5
Lemon juice 2 to 3 tablespoons
salt to taste
Method to make Guava Juice:
To make guava juice, grind all these ingredients in a mixer, and add lemon juice at the end, your guava juice is ready. If you want, you can make such a paste and keep it in the fridge for 2-3 days and use it if needed. can.
After reading so many benefits of Guava, you must have understood, that this Guava is not only food of taste but also of properties. If you include it in your daily diet then you will benefit a lot. Maybe you have Guava. If you do not get 12 months, then at least you can consume it during its season for 4 months and can get rid of many protein vitamins as well as stomach problems. By the way, if you do not have guava for 12 months here Even then, nowadays there are many such companies, which provide guava juice in the market, if you want, you can also consume them.
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