Wrinkles on the face: due to aging or diet?
Wrinkles on the face: due to aging or diet?
When wrinkles start to appear on the skin of the face, the mind trembles. How did the wrinkles appear? Am I getting old now?'
It is natural that the skin of the face begins to sag with age. However, even before reaching age, such signs have started to appear on the face. What causes wrinkles on the face? How to get rid of it?
Worrying about wrinkles
The main reason for wrinkles on the face is aging and the sun's ultraviolet rays. In addition, anxiety and diet affect our skin like all other parts of our body and the problem of wrinkles occurs on the face.
Facial expression can also cause the problem of wrinkles. Some have a habit of squinting their foreheads and eyes. Wrinkles can also appear in those who have a habit of wrinkling like this.
Wrinkling stage
It cannot be said exactly that wrinkles start from this age. Earlier, wrinkles were said to be a sign of old age. But now even at the age of 30, wrinkles are starting to appear on the face. In people who work in the sun, the problem of wrinkles can be seen even at a young age. Genetic factors also determine the age at which wrinkles appear. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the exact age at which wrinkles start to fall. But usually after the age of 40, wrinkles start to appear.
With age, different types of skin tissues become shriveled. The fat layer in the inner layer of the skin also dries up. In the lower layer of the skin, there is a substance called 'collagen' and 'elastin'. These elements help the skin to stretch. It also decreases with age, due to which wrinkles appear on the face as the age goes down.
Diet is one reason
Diet is also a factor in various skin problems. Wrinkles can also appear due to nutritional imbalance or deficiency. Smoking plays a major role in causing the problem of wrinkles. Wrinkles appear due to toxins in cigarettes.
Antioxidants in the skin work to regenerate the skin. Since we get antioxidants through food, even if we don't have a balanced diet, we will get wrinkles.
Antioxidants in food play an important role in rebuilding our skin. If there is a lack of 'vitamin A', 'vitamin C' and minerals found in food, collagen and elastin cannot be formed and wrinkles may appear on the skin.
A shadow of stress
Mental disorders such as anxiety and stress do not directly cause skin wrinkles. But when you wrinkle your forehead and squint your eyes with stress, that part gets wrinkled. Stress can cause various health problems and its effects can also be seen on the skin.
Risks of harmful cosmetics
There is no risk of wrinkles due to cosmetics or make-up. But if cosmetics and make-up are used sparingly, there is a risk of wrinkles along with various skin problems.
The use of cosmetics that affect the skin with steroids can damage the skin itself. Do not use any medicine without a doctor's advice. Because the same type of cosmetics and medicines may not be beneficial for everyone.
Bharatheg of make-up
Makeup does not remove wrinkles. But using sunscreen and good quality cream reduces the risk of wrinkles. Make-up helps to cover wrinkles rather than removing them.
Medical science has introduced various techniques to temporarily remove and cover wrinkles. To remove wrinkles temporarily, some medicines made from 'Vitamin A', peeling, botox and fillers can be used.
Pollution affects the skin
Pollution also directly affects the skin. Due to pollution, solid, liquid and gaseous chemical and microscopic particles cause multifaceted damage to the skin. Disruptive chemicals enter the skin layers and cause problems such as wrinkles.
Environmental pollution makes a hole in the weight layer and the sun's ultraviolet rays reach the earth more and affect the human skin. In this way, pollution causes skin problems in two ways.
How to prevent wrinkles?
It cannot be removed permanently as wrinkles occur with age. But to prevent wrinkles that appear before age, you can pay attention to some things.
In order to protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays, you should wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, wear an umbrella, wear glasses, wear a cap, and wear full-sleeved clothing.
Do not do things that spoil the expression of the face such as furrowing the forehead, squinting the eyes. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and reducing stress can also reduce the problem of wrinkles.
Domestic rules
There is no such thing as a home remedy to reduce wrinkles. In milk, sugar has peeling properties. Earlier, people used to bathe with milk, because it is peeling with milk, the problem of quick wrinkles may not have been seen. But not everyone is benefited by the same thing. Everyone's skin type is different. Therefore, it is better to prevent wrinkles than to use home remedies to reduce wrinkles.
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