Smile as much as you can, life will become easier
Smile as much as you can, life will become easier
There is a famous saying in English - 'Smile is an international language' means smile is an international language. Truly smile is a simple and universal language that can be understood by anyone from children to adults. When a smile comes to a person's face, which is known as a positive response, it automatically makes the other person nearby smile too.
However, when someone smiles, not only him, but other people around him also smile. A smile is a jewel that no one can take away or steal. This jewelery makes people more attractive and beautiful. It is said that a person who keeps smiling is loved by everyone. What is so special about a smile that can charm anyone?
Psychologist Padam Joshi says, 'A smile has such an emotional magic that awakens a ray of hope even in a hopeless life.' If we try to give some information to others, its shape is formed in the mind so that the positive juice coming out of the mind is presented with a smile.
According to biological psychology, various neurotransmitters are released from the brain, due to which two people have smooth communication. Seeing that smile, the other person's mind also adopts that shape and smiles.
Cardiology specialist Dr. Smile not only brightens up two people or the atmosphere around them, but it is equally beneficial for health. Madhav Bista explains. According to him, smiling releases neuropeptide hormones, thereby reducing a person's stress and lowering heart rate.
'Smiling releases chemicals in your brain such as neuropeptides, dopamine, serotonin and endorphins that give you a sense of relief. These mood-enhancing hormones lower blood pressure, the muscles used to smile produce endorphin hormones in the brain, which also relieve pain and stress. Which is beneficial for heart health," he says. If the day starts with a smile, the neurons in the brain are activated, which means that the day will pass smoothly.
A study published in Psychology Today, an international magazine, found that smiling can increase life expectancy, reduce cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. According to studies, people who are happy look younger than their age. While people who are always in a stressful atmosphere and look sad, there is a possibility of health problems.
Psychologist Joshi says that neurotransmitters are released in different parts of the brain, and smile plays a big role in making it effective. "Therefore, when you see someone smile or when you smile yourself, as soon as the positive juices flow in the brain, the tension in the brain decreases," he says.
Every person has some problems in their life. His immediate solution is to smile. Joshi says that positive energy flows through communication with a smile wherever you are in the office, meeting-ceremony, cultural program. "A smile is considered welcome everywhere, except where it should be mourned," he says.
A smile also plays a role in developing a relationship of trust between people. If someone is depressed, smiling encourages him and teaches him to be happy. A smile may be a small emotion, but it contains all the happiness in the world. If a person is not happy, he will be surrounded by sadness, depression and anxiety, increasing his physical and mental problems, says Joshi.
Dr. Dr. Diabetes Thyroid Hormonologist who helps the body's immune system to be more effective with a smile. Vinay Bhattarai says. We always advise patients to take less stress and be happy. Because smile is a natural medicine, which inspires people to be healthy by solving physical and mental problems,'' he says.
Children smile the most
Different things make people smile at different times. In some cases, the experience of smiling may not even exist. How many times a person smiles daily? According to a study, as the age increases, the frequency of smiling decreases. Children smile the most. Children smile up to 400 times a day.
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