How to protect the child from UTI infection in monsoon?
How to protect the child from UTI infection in monsoon? During monsoon, from children to the elderly, diseases can be more common than in normal conditions. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a disease that occurs during rainy season. It is abundant in organs such as kidneys, bladder, and urethra. When you have a UTI infection, it burns a lot when you urinate. The problem of UTI is more common in women than in men. This problem is also seen in children. There are several causes of UTI in children. Its common cause is bacterial infection. UTI infection occurs when bacteria called E coli enters the urinary tract. Not taking care of hygiene, drinking less water, using smelly toilets are the main reasons for UTI infection in children. Its problem is most common during monsoon. It is not possible to prevent the child from playing outside at this time, but taking some precautions can save him from UTI infection. Take care of the child's health The child should be bathed daily. Especially ...