What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?
What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy? When a woman enters the fourth month of pregnancy, her first trimester ends and the second trimester begins. After the end of the first trimester, some problems that affect women's daily life are relieved. For example, problems like morning sickness, smell of food and tingling are reduced. In such a situation, women remain somewhat energetic. This problem will increase the size of the stomach than before, the mind will remain calm and the appetite will increase rapidly. What changes are seen this month? - During this period, the size of the woman's uterus and the size of the baby's body also increase a little. Due to which the stomach looks a little bigger. - Due to hormonal changes, heartburn and indigestion can affect the digestive system. - As the child is developing, red, brown or purple spots start to appear on the stomach. - The craving for any food can be excessive. - Some women's heart beats faster. Sometimes this ...